Janet Taylor
DSH, RSHom, Registered Homeopath

Taking control of our own health
I believe in self- empowerment and in taking control of our own health. I am keen to pass on my knowledge in homeopathy so that you can begin to prescribe yourself; to help people heal themselves and their families for everyday complaints and to avoid the overuse of drugs such as Calpol, paracetamol and antibiotics. My own passion for homeopathy began when I started using it for myself and experimenting with treating myself and my kids (sometimes with more success than others at first!) My growing fascination led me to question to want to find out more and it eventually led me to study to become a qualified homeopath. Whilst that path isn't for all of us, with a little bit of knowledge, many remedies can be home/self-prescribed in acute situations such as accidents, injuries and infections. It's also important to learn when it's appropriate to prescribe for yourself and when it's better to seek a little help.
I hope these resources and links will help you.
1. These 2 are my favourite homeopathic 'self-help' books:
Miranda Castro: Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Birth & Your Baby's First Years.
Miranda Castro: The Complete Homeopathy Handbook.

2. Misha Norland wrote a great, inexpensive little book with lovely cartoon illustrations:
Misha Norland: Get Well Soon, A Guide to Homeopathic Frist Aid
Available from alternative-training.com/books/get-well-soon-a-guide-to-homeopathic-first-aid/
As an ex-teacher, I enjoy talking to groups about aspects of homeopathy and offer free talks about different aspects of homeopathy to local groups. Topics can cater for the individual nature of your group but examples of subjects I can cover include:
- An introduction to homeopathy; what's it all about? Covering key principles of like treats like, minimum dose and remedy selection. When is it OK to home prescribe and when is it better to seek help from a qualified homeopathy.
- Useful first aid remedies for around the home.
- Homeopathy for a teething baby.
- Homeopathy for pregnancy, labour and birth.
- Homeopathy for breastfeeding.
- Homeopathy for childhood fevers. How a fever can be part of the healing process and why to think twice before reaching for the Calpol. What can you do instead?
Please email me on my contact page or phone on 01822 834308 for more details.

Arnica: first remedy for injuries
Useful Links
Miranda Castro is my favourite author of homeopathic 'self-help books'. I used her books before training (and still do!). She has clear explanations about how to choose remedies and very sound homeopathy. Her webpages are full of useful information for home prescribing including remedies for babies and children; remedies for pregnancy; and rememdies for common complaints. Look in her 'articles' section.
The Society of Homeopaths have a section with background information "About Homeopathy' and a section on research into homeopathy.
Find a homeopath near you. findahomeopath.org.uk. Also has useful information about homeopathy.
Homeopathy Awareness Week: campaigns and general information about homeopathy.
Homeopathy Action Trust: supports homeopathy in the UK and elsewhere.
Helios Homeopathy for ordering remedies. They will also give advice for acute illness.