Janet Taylor
DSH, RSHom, Registered Homeopath

Contact Janet Taylor Homeopathy
For enquiries and appointments:
TELEPHONE: 01822 834308
EMAIL: info@janettaylorhomeopathy.co.uk or use the CONTACT FORM BELOW. I work 4 days a week, Monday to Thursday. I will respond to emails received during working hours within 24 hours. Emails received outside of this time will be dealt with ASAP on the next working day.
PLEASE NOTE that all appointments must be booked in advance and that I am not able to see people without a prior arrangement. I am also unable to dispense remedies to people who are not my clients. I recommend Helios Homeopathy for the purchase of homeopathic remedies https://www.helios.co.uk/
The Calstock Therapy Hub, Calstock
To make an appointment in Calstock contact me directly.
Appointments take place at:
3B Comercial Rd
PL18 9QT
WEBSITE: calstocktherapyhub.com
Free parking on Calstock Quay. Park and walk back to the Haven. Blue badge holders can park on the yellow lines outside the Haven.
Clinics on Tuesdays 10am-8pm and some Wednesdays. Appointments can sometimes be arranged outside of clinic times. Please contact me for availability.

The Plymouth Naturopathic Clinic.
To make an appointment in Plymouth contact me directly. Most appointments take place at:
6 Gleneagle Ave
WEBSITE: plymouthfunctionalmedicineclinic.co.uk/
Occasionally appointments take place at our other rooms in Brandeth Road just around the corner. Your appointment location will be confirmed with your booking.
Free parking on Brandeth Rd, Gleneagle Road and Gleneagle Ave.
Clinics on Mondays 10-5pm. Appointments can sometimes be arranged outside of clinic times. Please contact me for availability.

I also do skype and zoom consultations. Please see consultations page for details