Janet Taylor
DSH, RSHom, Registered Homeopath
Unsure about whether homeopathy can help you?
Call me on 01822 834308 for a free chat.
Is this your 1st appointment with me? Consider booking a series of 3 consultations at the INTRODUCTORY OFFER price.
I also do Skype and Zoom consultations. Click here for details
If you'd like to know more about what to expect at a consultation with me click here.
I hold clinics at the Plymouth Naturopathic Clinic and at Calstock Therapy Hub in Cornwall. In certain circumstances, I am happy to travel to see people local to the Calstock area in their own homes. For example, I find this works particularly well for young children who are often more comfortable and relaxed about the consultation in their own home. You might also prefer me to come to you if you have difficulty getting out and about for any reason. Please enquire about this. I also offer Skype consultations. Again please enquire about this.
The first consultation is an opportunity for you to discuss, in detail, any physical, mental or emotional health problems which may be causing you concern or discomfort. During your consultation, it is important that you feel able to discuss any concerns that you would like to bring up- no matter how small you think they seem. I may be interested in many aspects of your health that might appear to be unrelated to your main complaint including your family's health history where this is relevant. Homeopathy is a system whereby symptoms from all levels – the physical, emotional and mental – are gathered together to create a holistic ‘picture’ of your current state. This picture can then be matched with a medicine. Be prepared for the first consultation to last 1 and 1/2 hours. Second and subsequent appointments usually take place after about one month and last about 1 hour.
Personally, I believe that restoring health is a process and a journey. Whilst homeopathy can certainly make a big difference with even just 1 remedy it's not a 'quick fix' solution and especially in complex and long term illness, it requires a level of commitment from the patient as well as from me, the homeopath. To make real progress be prepared to come for follow-up appointments. A remedy usually needs repeating and changing in order to work deeply in restoring health. The homeopathic process can also help a person explore some of the causes/triggers of their disease. It can help people take responsibility for their own health and re-balance their life. Being involved in our own healing processes gives us self-confidence, increases our personal strength and enables us to make choices.
I usually arrange appointments with children, especially younger children, slightly differently. I like to put children at ease by making the consultation less formal and encourage them to bring along a favourite book or toy to show me. I always have paper, pencils, pens and crayons available for drawing. It can be useful to talk to the parent seperately, in advance of the appointment, either in person or by phone to go through some of the background of the illness and talk about the emotional issues and personality type of the child. It can sometimes feel uncomfortable talking about some aspects of the child in front of them and this helps to get around that difficulty and also means that the actual consultation, with the child and parent present, can be shorter. I am happy to discuss what will work best for you and your child when we're arranging the appointment.