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About Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a system of medicine which involves treating the individual with highly diluted, potentised, substances, given mainly in tablet form, with the aim of triggering the body’s natural system of healing. Based on their specific symptoms, a homeopath will match the most appropriate medicine to each patient.


Homeopathy is a holistic, individualised medicine.

Most disease is not a single isolated event but an expression of disharmony in the whole person: illness is literally 'dis-ease' in our body and mind. Individual symptoms are related to the way that we react to and cope with the stresses of our environment, our situation, our life. As a homeopath, I look beyond the 'presenting complaint', beyond the label of the disease (e.g. migraines, sinusitis, etc) to look at your particular experience your condition and at how that is different from that of another person with the same complaint. And I want to know how your symptoms relate to you as a whole.


A fundamental principle of homeopathy is that ‘like treats like’. 

A substance which causes symptoms when taken in large doses can be used in small amounts to treat those same symptoms. Because of that.......


Homeopathic treatment works with your body's own healing powers.

By choosing a homeopathic medicine that matches your symptoms we aim to powerfully stimulate your body’s natural healing ability, which allows you to regain your health and well-being.


Minimum dose

Homeopathy uses ultra-diluted solutions of natural substances derived from plant, mineral and animal sources. It is a dynamic, energetic medicine.

For more information about homeopathy see the Society of Homeopaths Website and my Resources page

“The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything”

Louis Pasteur, French Chemist

“The natural force within each of us is that greatest healer of all.”

Hippocrates, Greek Physician


People seek homeopathic treatment for a wide range of health problems from acute, short-lived illnesses such as fevers, childhood infections, sore throats and toothache to chronic, persistent illnesses including:

  • migraine,

  • arthritis,

  • asthma and allergies,

  • digestive problems (e.g. IBS, colitis, persistent diarrhoea or constipation),

  • autoimmune disorders (e.g. fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue)

  • skin disorders (such as eczema, acne, warts),

  •  depression, anxiety attacks, stress related disorders, insomnia,

  • women’s disorders (menstrual problems,  menopausal symptoms, symptoms in pregnancy),

  • recurrent infections,

  •  children’s health

  •  mental and emotional issues

and much more!


Homeopaths often see patients with long-term, chronic problems, many of which have failed to respond to conventional medicine. As a system of medicine, homeopathy is aimed at treating the person, rather than the disease diagnosis, and as such can be considered in almost any ill health, where tissue has not been irrevocably damaged.


Most people visit a homeopath with a diagnosis from their doctor, and I encourage patients to keep their medical practitioners informed as treatment progresses. Some people see a homeopath because they have side effects from conventional drugs, and others because conventional tests have failed to find the cause of their problem.


Tel: 01822 834308

The Calstock Therapy Hub, 3B Commercial Road, Calstock, Cornwall, PL18 9QT.        

Plymouth Naturopathic and Functional Medicine Centre, 6 Gleneagle Ave, Manamead, Plymouth, PL3 5HN.
Copyright Janet Taylor
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